- Anyone can Post Here But it may be better if its in english...
- Speak decently, no unnecessary provokations and such (keep it in game).
- No Porn or Nudity (remember that a lot of underage people are here).
- No Spamming outside the Spam Zone (makes our jobs easier if people post in the correct areas and dont make unnecessary posts).
- Forum is for all, no one is above anyone here except staff members (Mod/Lead Mod/GM/Admin Or Any Staff)
- Admins word is final.
- Mods/Lead Mods/Admins/Any staff have the right to change certain rules under certain circumstances and can add more rules if needed in the situation.
- Mods/Lead Mods only job is to keep forum clean and respectable, not to answer questions. if a Mod answers a question its his/her own decision to do so, he/she is not demanded to answer questions, its not a part of the job.
- Forum is made for players, questions by players, answers by players, announcements by staff, so ask anyone, not just staff members.
- Forum is supposed to be a friendly and helpful place to be, its a community, and a community is only as bad as the people in it, show us that u are good people and let us build a great community.
- When posting a report of a cheater/bug exploiter or other, please provide proof in form of screenshots and/or video recordings, if no proof is given, the report is only an accusation and will not be investigated.
-Accusations and attacking staff members for no valid reason is NOT allowed and will resolve into a punishment of various degrees. wether the reason is valid or not, is chosen by the staff.
Attacking staff members for reasons that have no relation to them or their work is not allowed either and will be punished accordingly.
- And last but not the least, remember to have fun and enjoy your stay